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A matter of the forgiving heart

The fog is lifting slowly, some parts of the full picture are becoming clearer. It is still about sustainability and how we can achieve a sustainable way of being. All of us together. Sustainability itself is not an outcome to be achieved, to turn around climate change, meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to declare victory and forget it. Sustainability is a design principle, guiding our decision making processes and our actions for good.

This design principle is deeply rooted in our creative being and our universal yearning that connect us all. Creativity is (emotional) intelligence having fun - said the sticker on a car I passed by the other day. What a spot on description! We are creative when we are in our element, in flow, when we feel invincible and are not afraid of failure. When we feel our fire burning and feel like smiling all the time. A great place to be ;-) Our universal yearning for love, acceptance, validation, purpose, meaning and freedom is the topic of my previous blog post. So, combine this yearning (coming from love and self-love) and creativity. How does it feel?

It feels warm in my chest area. I am feeling it, not just thinking it. Feeling happens in the heart. Sustainability is a matter of the heart. It is the matter of the forgiving heart.

We can spring into action from anger, from a sense of injustice and wrongdoing. Our hearts catch fire from the pain and suffering we see around us. Only, when we do that, we spring into action against something. It's a me vs. you game, a win-lose one. We judge the state of affairs, the actions. When looking behind the actions, searching for motives, beliefs, expectations, we are likely to find the 'unjust' ones' yearnings are not met. That the actions we judge come from a place of pain or trauma.

By finding my way to myself, I am also finding the way to others. By finding the way to others, I know we are all one. The more of us feel like one, the more of us can wholeheartedly embrace the design principle of sustainability. We can only be sustainable together. It is a win-win or no deal game. Achieving a broad enough agreement on the design principles will give us space to spring into action. Design principles felt and lived by a forgiving heart.

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