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All is well


Audacious statement. I used to get worried about a climate catastrophe, global civil unrest, extreme droughts and famine. And every time this apocalyptic thoughts hit me, I did my best to make them go away. To spring into action, to look at the bright side of things. I did my best to avoid feeling uncomfortable. But as they say, the only way out is through.

Extreme weather events are on a daily menu these days. Wars, anger, aggression and pain are all around. Droughts and floods are becoming more exacerbated. We have only a few decades of topsoil left to produce food if we continue our industrial way of growing crops. We inflict so much pain on animals, plants and each other. An uncomfortable reality to admit. Yet, taking a long, forgiving look at the mess we are in and then giving ourselves a forgiving hug is the best we can do. We have meant well all along. We are only pursuing happiness, after all. Maybe we just did not quite define what happiness is.

It's not too late. Happiness is here and now. It's being present. Seeing the beauty in what is. It's about re-framing, allowing our perspective to shift. All is well. Presence creates space for self-compassion, self-awareness, creating a sense of self-worth and confidence. Not for the ego, but for the self that is deeply connected to every other being in the universe. We do not need to fight the weather. Or the perceived greed of others. We do not even need to fight ourselves. It's much simpler (but not so easy): drop the arms and the armors. Just be, feel, breathe, observe this miracle called life. Intention and action emerging from a sense of presence and connectedness may be slower and less competitive than we are used to and it may feel like a waste of time. But where did speed and competition get us? Why not give being truly present a chance?


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