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All the good things

Once in a while, it's good to take stock of all the good things that are, regardless of us being aware of them. Warmth. A cool evening in nature. Water. Abundant air to breathe. Music. Laughter. A good night sleep. Silence. The smell of flowers, of the forest. Health. Stars. Summer breeze. The ability to love. To connect and communicate. Our senses. Our intuition.  Being playful. Authenticity. Our ability to listen and to hear. To heal. Letting it all sink in with a content and grateful heart.

It is easy to get distracted by mishaps and lemons life hands us, especially when we have lost sight of the enjoyability of lemonade. We get dragged down by headlines pointing to wars and suffering, extreme views and natural  disasters. When we feel down, it's ok. Many of the good things in life are still there, patiently waiting for us to notice them again. The sun, the air to breathe, the night sky full of stars, the full moon and so many other things still remain. There is an abundance of good things. Steady, unwavering, always there for us to tap into them. They've been there since the beginning of times and sill remain till the end of times. Present.

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