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An ode to you!

An ode to you, building a brighter tomorrow. Yes, to you! You, who lives to serve or serves to live. Who feeds others before themselves. Who takes the neighbour's dog out every day. Invites the neighbor for a meal. Takes care of the friends'  kids. Cares for the elderly. Raises funds for a charity. Volunteers for school activities. Organizes the neighborhood market. Smiles to a stranger. Lends a  compassionate hand. Gives a compliment.

To you, who looks for the good in everyone, or strives to do so. Who feels they have a role to play in making tomorrow brighter. Reach out, connect to a stranger who has the sparkle in their eyes, which says: we're in this together. Build a silent tribe of belonging, of connection. Or make it loud, if you connect with others on a cause. I only ask you one thing: be genuinely inclusive, practice deep compassion. To yourself, your fellow travelers and those you are challenging. The ego is a strong master. Only, it divides instead of connecting. And we can only build a brighter tomorrow if we all chip in. Not for ourselves, but for us all. We either all win, or none of us does. A brighter tomorrow is not born from a zero sum game.

So allow your divine self to experience joy and sing an ode to yourself, and to others. In good spirits you'll already experience tomorrow as brighter. And the day after even more so ;-)

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