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Art of Life

Death and money.... what do they have in common? They are a taboo, there is a stigma associated with them in many societies. And that boils down to the fact that we struggle to have a meaningful discussion about these topics, to be vulnerable when talking about it.

How do you feel about money? I know some people who are fine with it and do not give it too much importance. I also know a few people who are grateful for having money to have a comfortable life. And I know many more people having a 'complicated' relationship with it.

Well, just like we should actually constantly seek the balance in the relationship with ourselves and with our surroundings, we should be in search of a balanced relationship with money as well. If money flows and we are in a flow, in a constantly changing environment, our relation with money is also an ongoing balancing act. Trusting our decisions can help us perceive money as an abundant resource. A resource even more abundant than money is wealth.

Wealth has many dimensions.

In the documentary The Art of Life true wealth is so beautifully presented. Watch it if you can spare 30 minutes. The inspiration it will leave you with is the manifold return on the 30 minute time investment. A sentence that stayed with me from the documentary was (among others) this: you don't earn what you pay for, but what you give your love and attention to. If you care about and give your energy to an activity, a hobby, a relationship, a desired outcome, you are much more likely to end up receiving it, and you'll get wonderful insights every day. Let it go, let it flow - be in the flow. Flow is wealth. And it's then up to you to determine what proportion of wealth should be monetary to make you happy. As that is the meaning of life. Happiness - made with love.

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