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Counting my blessings

Observing myself and society at large, it seems we have a bit of an addiction problem with bigger, better, faster, more. 

What is enough today, doesn't seem to be good enough tomorrow. What will you have achieved by next year this time? No time to waste!

And then: from a happiness quote- calendar, my daughter read out to me: success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you have. 

What a great definition of success and happiness next to each other! 

It is so easy to forget practicing gratefulness, to count my blessings, to allow happiness to prevail over a perception of success. 

And I have so many so many blessing to count! Still, without awareness, the glass turns half empty quite fast. I forget to be present, to appreciate what is. To soak up the heartwarming experiences, to ovserve life with awe. To let go of judgement and impatience and embrace what is with joy and kindness.

So, that's what I hope to have achieved by next year this time. Growth inwards: to be present, allow myself to give and receive joy and kindness. To be in a good place and be more aware of how I can create and share a sense of flow. Tapping into an abundant source of ... being ;-) Because happiness is here and now. And I cannot think of a happy person who would consider themselves unsuccessful.

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