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Money is your yeast

We all want, need, desire or despise money. Most of us have a complicated relationship with money, the necessary evil. Let me challenge that: money is not the necessary evil. It is a docile means to an end. If you're the baker, money is your yeast. It's an activated yeast, a sourdough starter.

If you know what you want to bake, you can use your tools, your ingredients purposefully. You need to feed the yeast, you need to keep the essence of it in circulation. You can make more starter by adding more flour. Or you can wean it a bit by keeping in cold. You are the chef, the yeast is an enabling tool. You help each other - the yeast feeds you and you feed the yeast. It's a mutually reinforcing, positive cycle.

Now, imagine the same setup, with money. Money is there to help you achieve certain goals you have set - purchasing items you need or intend to use to improve your overall well-being, for example. Money is a tool that helps you. When you need it for a particular goal, you master its use. When it's idle, does not generate interest rate, no investment yields and also does not help someone in your community - or a like-minded person elsewhere in the world - to finance a clear goal they have, then this money is of no use to anyone. It's OK to give money some rest sometimes, but it's not helpful to keep large amounts of them idle for a long time. By removing it from its natural circulation, we artificially increase the sense of scarcity around money. Although money is abundant, there enough to go around for everyone to live a fulfilled life with purpose. Money is not a natural resource, it doesn't replenish itself. And there is ownership of money, legally speaking. Although maybe the term 'guardian' would work better. If we say 'we are guardians of an abundant resource', if our frame of reference changes, could it also fundamentally change our relationship with money? Turn it into a mutually reinforcing, positive cycle?

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