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Failing big time...

You could say, what a strange timing with the holiday season, why talk about failure? My point is, it's exactly when stakes and emotions are high is that introspection can be a trusted advisor.

Failures taste bitter. They can give room to frustration, anger, or a sense of injustice. 

Also, failures trigger us to recalculate our coordinates, to take stock, to assess if we are still on the right track.

And... just like loyalty, failing is about 'who' and 'what'? Who am I loyal to and who am I failing? Failing others'  expectations we do and will continue doing. Failing ourselves is however what we can learn most from.

Have I failed my own expectations of success or my own values? Maybe I even fail to recognise my own needs? 

Does that still give a bitter feeling?

Or does it invite new insights about what drives me, what really matters (and in which order). What are the expectations I can fail and which are the ones I will double down on? Where do I set my boundaries? As Brené Brown says, daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others. 


And even then, I will fail- even with setting boundaries. Repeatedly and big time. But does not make me, you, or anyone else, who fails worth less or less loveable.

Quite the contrary: doing your best, going all in, learning the hard way makes you richer - richer with experiences, insights, perspectives. Failure is a good investment, a great learning opportunity.

With the holiday and family reunions, it's a good reminder that things are often not what they seem. Wishing you a merry and insightful time! Bountiful boundaries ;-)

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