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Getting paid your worth

I am not sure if I get my worth paid, but I know I am willing to perform my job to the best of my ability. There are many factors determining my worth. Probably yours, too. External circumstances like location, industry, type of company, but also personal factors like seniority, previous experience or the rationale behind the decision to devote most of your awake time to a cause or a group of people who are your main stakeholders. I personally do think that above a certain threshold the salary is simply higher as it compensates for the stress and future healthcare costs the job is causing. Unless you are a person who thrives on being constantly challenged. ;-)

Should we discuss on the work floor what our (expected) total benefit package is? I came across this TED talk from David

Burkus, a worthwhile 7 minutes speech.

Great insights on the dangers of information asymmetry and why we should indeed all talk about our pay. Curious to hear what you think about it. After all, CEO pay packages of listed companies are in the public domain - so why should the rest of us shy away from disclosure? A workaround for the shy is offered by online tools that offer a salary comparison, albeit not perfect.

The point is, though: if we struggle to name the sum we think our total benefit should be and struggle to discuss our compensation with colleagues, is it also because we do not have a healthy, constructive relationship with money? If an entrepreneur struggles to establish the right hourly / service rate to create the impact and life they seek, is it because they do not feel in charge and do not view money as a tool they master? Uncomfortable territory.... as my old manager used to say: the only way out is through. We might just learn that we are better of than we thought. And we might learn to see eye-to-eye with money, our sourdough starter!

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May 31, 2022

Great point Eszter, I think we should all be fully open about our compensation packages - a main barrier is often companies labelling that information as confidential (which appears to be only in their interest). This would also be a great tool in fighting the gender pay gap.

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