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Making the world a better place

Of course it's beautiful when people feel compelled to make the world a better place. To put their energy to work for a noble cause. So many people do so. So, is the world becoming a better place? Teal Swan says the world is in turmoil because we might be moving through the eye of the needle. But apparently, on the other side of this process, there is a place for humanity to live as awakened tribes. Wouldn't that be lovely?!

Let's assume this is not true, we are headed for a collision, for abyss. What would you do differently then? What would I do differently then?

Try to awaken others to what's awaiting us? Although we cannot be sure ourselves of the future? So many people are already doing so, trying to awaken others: Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the UN, actors and influencers showing servant leadership, industry leaders, academics, civil society and startups founders. And those we often overlook: our neighbors, the person sitting next us on the train, the person in front of us in the queue in the grocery store. We share the common human yearning for love, belonging and forgiveness.

The world out there is what it is. It's a reflection of how we are feeling inside. It is an illusion to believe we can change 'what's out there'. What's out there can change as a consequence of embracing 'what's in here': reconnecting to our deeper self, our purpose, our needs. Once we heal inside, we'll heal as humanity. Remember, we're all born whole and complete and we remain so throughout our life (and beyond). It's just that when we get out of alignment with our values and purpose, we disconnect from others and see the rest of the world as separate from ourselves. And we busy ourselves with trying to fix it. Lets instead have a hug and a laugh ;-) We can also cry a little. It often helps release a trapped emotion.

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