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On being judgmental (with oneself)

Maybe it's because I have been reading A Course In Meditation (Osho). Somehow sometimes I manage to take a step back and become the observer. I looked up Osho on Wikipedia and said to myself, 'what a disaster this person was'. How come he has so many followers? Oops, I was judging the very same person whose approach helped my brain relax.

Where did the judgement come from? How much to I judge myself? What purpose does judging myself serve?

Recently a woman approached me about feeling 'junior' to speak at a conference. She is young, not junior. Then another woman said 'what if my ideas are not worth much'? I am now thinking: worth much to who? Based of what assumptions?

Why do we judge ourselves? Why do we judge others?

It is so liberating to realize: we do not need to. Every moment of every day, we have a choice. The healthy, confident and authentic self, which is connected to everything else, is there at our core. It's alive and well. Just buried under layers of cultural conditioning and trauma. And by releasing the sense of need to judge ourselves, we also release the need to judge others. Just be. In a flow. At least every now and again when circumstances permit ;-)

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