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Real strength

Things are not what they seem.  One can look strong. Act strong. Feel strong. Or be strong. Or even all of the above.

Same for weakness.

Especially if a person has not yet discovered their strength. Why  does it matter?  It helps us when we know where we are at. To assess if we are ready for a marathon, a sprint or none. Or even for an ironman.

Physical strength is important, though I would swap any time it for health.  Real strength, though, is much more in the emotional and spiritual domain, in the realm of knowing with your heart. Real strength is in showing vulnerability, speaking authentically, acting with compassion and love. It is in putting the long term success of our community ahead of the individual, while aligning our wellbeing with it.

Have we forgotten through scrolling and trolling what real strength is? No! We all have the pure inner compass in  us. It's not broken, ever. Sometimes just magnetized. But we can always re-magnetize it. The tools are also within you. Every moment of every day is the perfect time to tune into it.  Packed all inside. Purpose. Creativity. Emotion. Intuition. Courage.  It does take some cultivation of courage and perseverance to discover all the goodies inside, but it's possible. And here's a promise: you can peel a layer of the onion every day and it will never get boring. Every insight gives way to new questions. It's a rewarding adventure building strength inside out. Real strength.

Real strength gently lets go of coping mechanisms like fear, worries and frustration. Real strength lives where there is courage and love. Where my purpose is in alignment with the collective of all living things and the elements and is grounded in presence.

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