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We're all world class leaders!

Paradigm shift: simple, not easy

Do you know that feeling when you take a decision calmly, with a strong belief that if serves a greater cause as well as you? When your whole being is in tune, in sync and you know the might be difficulties on your way to implement the decision, but you are ready to interpret setbacks as opportunities to learn instead of failures? It's simple in the sense of knowing that it's your path, just following your intuition, which combines the wisdom of your head and your heart. Simple in the sense of feeling clear and pure about it. But it's not easy. You know how it feels when you act with integrity and empathy. It's simple. But not easy.

Here's a thesis (many people may have said this before, and written about it...):

1) True leaders are grounded, authentic, know themselves, act with integrity and responsibly, don't take themselves too seriously and respect their surroundings and others. They allow their vulnerability to be seen, listen to their intuition and do not judge others. True leaders don't often seek formal leadership roles (leading other people, managers, CEOs etc). You could call their leadership style servant leadership or leading from behind. Well, they are just not too set on being called leaders. But you know them when you see them. They don't need anyone's approval. They are connected to their core: they sleep peacefully and wake up with a sense of purpose.

2) If these true leaders get into a role of formal leadership roles, they do so out of a sense of responsibility and deep commitment. Often people who are in formal leadership positions are there to prove to themselves that they are the 'true leaders', but seek this approval from outside, which can be a temporary remedy, but cannot replace the authentic leadership from within. But when a true leader is at the helm, people feel psychologically safe. True leaders would go down for others, for a cause. Their ego and intellect are not in charge, but are useful tools for grounded decision-making. True leaders understand their own limitations and are keen to collaborate for better outcomes, to create synergies and ... in some ways don't shy away from moving mountains (or at least climbing them ;-))

3) The authentic leadership character is part of our deepest, most grounded authentic self. It's in all of us. We all have the potential to be the most awesome versions of ourselves. And how to become it? Here's the best news: you don't need to become anything, to learn new skills. It's already in you! You just need to let it manifest itself. If anything, you are invited to unlearn, peel all those layers of conditioning off that no longer serve you and stand in your way of loving yourself and genuinely connecting with others. Cultivate rituals that help you fall in love with the world and love yourself.

4) What do we do with so many leaders? If everyone could connect to their core, their authentic and non-judgmental self, we would all be natural leaders without the need to formally lead others. We are all able to love ourselves, think in win-win solutions, no longer need to compete, prove anything or outsmart anyone, as we'd all know leading ourselves if the real power. Simple, not easy. Let's rethink scarcity, growth, the value of wealth and wellbeing. There is nothing like too many leaders. And just like that, look around, see if you can see the beauty in everything around you. Allow your paradigm to shift, to let go of 'how things are supposed to work'. Smile, if you feel like it. Simple - and easy ;-)

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