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Check your pantry

Updated: Aug 19, 2023

It's summer, rains too much - or too little. Cities are emptier and beach towns overflow. Offices still have controlled temperatures, but when you are out, you notice the tides by the beach, the cycles of the moon, you smell the pines, you body whispers: come in sync with nature, follow the flow.

And it was in one of these moments that I glimpsed my pantry. My inner pantry, where all skills and competencies have been stored by default, for me to use them as ingredients in my life. We are all born with a fully equipped pantry, that's why they say 'you are born whole and complete' (and not 'perfect'). Cool, being whole and complete sounds great. But what does it then mean to 'develop myself', and 'get out of my own way'? Well, I think that is when the pantry comes in. Self confidence is an important core ingredient in our inner pantry. Self confidence and self love, for that matter, translates into 'having faith in self' (and by proxy, since we are all one, having faith in the universe). So it's not like 'I (ego) can do it' but more like 'this has come on my path because I (with faith in the self and the universe) can do it'. Let's see, let me check the other skills and competencies that could help me on the path. Oh look, what a great opportunity to be practicing 'setting boundaries'. ;-)

Of course, the pantry serves best when we know the recipe, we know the ingredients we want to use. But that too, I suppose, is something that comes naturally to us when wandering around in nature, taking time to observe and let go. Wishing you a rewarding discovery - of your inner pantry and nature around.

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